Dear Sister

You tell me your heart is breaking.
You tell me you’re tired of faking.
Why do you have to be the tough girl?
Your world’s falling apart, and you can’t remake it.
You feel like God left you when you needed Him most.
You know your babe will leave you, though he’s promised he won’t.
And you’re a wreck.
You’re sick of it.
You swear that you’re all alone.
Death creeps closer to home.
All your friends turned to stone.
And your family won’t stop fighting. No!
You think you’re a mistake.
And you hate.

Don’t run to me;
The hot heroes on your screen;
They can’t save you.
I can’t stop your inner crisis.
I can’t be who only Christ is.
I was blind.
There is one who can bind up.
There is vision.
I still feel lost sometimes,
But we were bought so dearly.
He never let go—not for a moment.
When you say you can’t feel Him,
He is still holding you.
The clouds don’t blot out the sun,
Or even dim it.
He didn’t go anywhere.
He can take your shattered pieces.
Make you new.
You are worth more than you could ever imagine–
Than I could ever see.
Go to the well and drink—-
Not from broken cisterns.
You don’t have to be the tough girl.
In His strength, you can be weak.

Let Him see you—
Bare bones.
The pain. The screaming.
Let Him hold you.
Kick against Him till you feel His arms.
Run as fast as you can.
Planted as deep as everything
That you could never have from me
Or anyone else.
Go away. Go,
Seek Him.
He’s waiting.

I’m saying this because I love you,
Not because I don’t.
But love is the opposite of codependency.
You can’t find it in me.
So run. He’s holding out His arms to you.
Can’t you see Him?
He wants to hold you so tight.
It’s what He breathed to me one night:
“My love is deeper. Better.
I weep over her,
Like my flesh is being torn again.
I love her more than you could ever.
Only I can fill her.
Trust me.”
He’s telling you to trust Him.
Please, trust Him.
He never ever breaks His promise.

12 thoughts on “Dear Sister

  1. I love this! It’s so meaningful to hear a guy saying this because us girls do believe the lie at times that guys can somehow meet our needs. Thank you for encouraging us to turn to Him!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This has been so needed recently in my life, Jason. I know God defines who I am, but sometimes I just need a little something to keep me believing it. Thank you so much for sharing this- I know I’ll be sharing it with many girls super soon. ❤

    Your sister in Christ,

    Annie Anderson


  3. Reblogged this on northernheartsalaska and commented:

    Hello all! I know I haven’t been very active in the blogging community lately, and I apologize. My plan is to get back into it as soon as possible.

    Meanwhile, I wanted to share this beautiful poem by Jason Zimmerman ( directed towards us girls. It encouraged and inspired me and I hope and pray the same for you.

    Have a beautiful week! ❤


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