Leibster Blog Award


Hey everyone! Jason and I have had a unique opportunity to partake in a supportive blogging community activity. How fancy!? Evelyn/Idazle from A Country Girl’s Writing, has nominated us for the Liebster Blog Award! Thank you so much Idazle.This Award was invented as a way for bloggers to support each other in their writing, and also build their following. Now, it is our turn to appoint other bloggers.

Here are some amazing bloggers that we are nominating!
Dylan Yarbrough – Lost in the Write World
Zach Phillip – Zach’s Musings
Rebekah – Stuffie Adventures
Kirstie Rhys – Father’s Joy
Gloria – Reflections
Kiki Stanton – Dystopian Logic
Melody Zimmerman – MelodyZimmerman.com
Rebekah Rosamilia – The Wanderer

Our eleven questions for you guys:

What do you most appreciate in a blog?
What inspires you most?
If you could choose to live in any particular year in history, which would it be?
Favorite animal, and why?
Which do you prefer to write on: computer, type writer, or pen and paper?
Which book of the Bible do you love most?
Who’s your least favorite author? Why?
What’s your biggest writing pet peeve?
If you could be any character from the Lord of the Rings who would it be?
What’s your least favorite thing about blogging?
What’s your favorite blog post you’ve ever published?

The rules for the Award:

Acknowledge the blog who nominated you and display the award.
Answer eleven questions that the blogger gives you.
List eleven random facts about yourself.
Nominate eleven other bloggers that you think are deserving of this award (with less than 200 followers).
Let the bloggers know you nominate them.
Give them eleven questions to answer.

These are the questions that Evelyn asked us.

What do you like about blogging?

Peter’s response: Well, Jason actually asked me to help out with his blog. I really enjoy putting my work out there on the World Wide Web, so that others may tell me what they think.

Jason’s response: I like being able to share my thoughts and imaginings with the world. It’s a really exciting feeling to write a poem (or story,) and then be like, “Hey, look. Somebody liked it.”

Why did you start writing?

Peter’s response: It was really just a drive that I’ve had from a young age. I think I have to owe it all to my crazy imagination. I loved reading books like Redwall, and I tried writing on a laptop before I even knew how to type.

Jason’s response: I started writing after going to the a thousand islands in Canada when I was about 9. They were really beautiful and the architecture just sparked my imagination in such a way that I knew I had to make something out of it.

If you could pick anything to do what would it be?

Peter’s response: Jason’s wish is pretty sweet.

Jason’s response: I wish I could go be part of a revival here in America.

Favorite food?

Peter’s response: I’m a mint freak, so probably something with mint and chocolate. Pasta is also amazing (Italian roots)

Jason’s response: I love my mom’s empanadas.

Which season do you prefer: spring, summer, fall, or winter?

Peter’s response: Can I pick two? Summer and fall!

Jason’s response: Same as Peter. In summer you get to not have school. My birthday (and Peter’s) are in fall.

Who’s your favorite author?

Peter’s response: Ah! That’s always such a hard question for me to answer! I would probably have to say either Chuck Black, John Flannagan, Lois Lowry, or Ted Dekker

Jason’s response: Other than God, I would have to say this is a hard question. I love Lois Lowry and Madeleine Le’engle. Ted Dekker and Lucy Maud Montgomery are also very cool, but I could just keep on naming authors for a LONG time. Lewis’s nonfiction is amazing!

What is your favorite quote?

Peter’s response: “Yet do not cast all hope away. Tomorrow is unknown. Rede oft is found at the rising Sun.” ~ Legolas

Jason’s response: “To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything and your heart will be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact you must give it to no one, not even an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements. Lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket, safe, dark, motionless, airless, it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable. To love is to be vulnerable.”—C.S. Lewis

Favorite movie?

Peter’s response: The Incredibles or Spiderman: Homecoming

Jason’s response: Toy Story 3 or Frozen. (I know. . .but. . .) I also really love LOTR.

Favorite sport or activity?

Peter’s response: Dance, acting, and parkour!

Jason’s response: Dance and acting

What Bible verse comforts you the most?

Peter’s response: 1 Peter 2:9

Jason’s response: Philippians 1:6

Best loved memory?

Peter’s response: Staying home and eating monkey bread (basically cinnamon rolls), while opening stockings at 6:30 in the morning on Christmas day.

Jason’s response: SO hard! I love memories so much. . .maybe when I ripped my pants in front of my cousin and one of our other friends. I actually wrote a story based off of a different memory that I posted on here.

11 random facts about Peter

1. I chew mint (go figure) gum frequently
2. My middle name is “Thrasher”
3. Parkour is my favorite sport
4. I’m part of a Christian dance studio
5. I love cracking my knuckles
6. My favorite music genres are rap and rock
7. I do not play any instrument
8. I once had to help put out a fire that had started in our mower
9. I referee soccer
10. To me, organizing clothes is therapeutic
11. I’m terrible at most sports

11 random facts about Jason

1. I have to get implants for my teeth.
2. I love dramatic death scenes.
3. For a while, I was slightly koala obsessed.
4. I like outlining more than writing (I think. . .)
5. Brett Harris is my brother-in-law.
6. I’ve seen a bear just outside my front porch.
7. I’m terrified of bees.
8. My mom’s from Argentina.
9. My dad started flying ultralight airplanes when he was 14.
10. My book was originally based off of a world I created with my stuffed animals.
11. I’m the only boy in my family.

That was a ton of fun! Hope you guys enjoyed this, and please participate as well!

Jason and Peter

8 thoughts on “Leibster Blog Award

  1. Wow, thanks for the nomination! Although I probably won’t be able to participate in it for at least several months, as I’m taking a blogging break.
    Whoever thought to combine mint with chocolate deserves an award. It’s soooo good! Also, WOW Jason, Brett is your brother-in-law??? That’s awesome!!!
    Really fun post guys!

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Yay! That’s so exciting!!! I’ll take a look.

    Also, I’m sure you already know this, but we’ve moved from Miznos to awkward-truth.com a few months ago.



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